“My concept for the Tom Jones tribute show was to devise a show that would keep an audience entertained throughout the entire performance. I am totally focused on sounding like Tom, singing in his original keys and incorporating the movements and mannerisms of him while performing his songs.” Danny Roman
Previous Gigs
Corporate clients include:
The Hilton Bahamas (British Airways 2005)
The Grosvenor House Hotel London (RBS 2006)
The Grosvenor Chester (British Airways 2006)
Carden Park Chester (B&Q & Comet 2006)
The Hilton Bradford (Empire Stores 2006)
Montague hotel London (GS1UK 2006)
Hilton hotel Bradford (Comet 2007)
Village Hotel Leeds (2007)
Village Hotel Hyde Manchester (2007)
The Gentlemans Club of Chester 2007
Grosvenor Pulford Hotel Chester (2007)
The Landmarc restaurant Bournemouth (2007)
The Lady Taverners of Chester (2007)
Thomson Gold hotels (Summer 2008)
P&O cruise lines (2009-2012)
Stars in Concert Berlin (2012-2016)
Tour Dates
Many dates all over the World for more details contact Rob on 0860662245.